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13-Jul-2024 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM - Legal Obligations & Liabilities
14-Jul-2024 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM - Legal Obligations & Liabilities
Westin Edmonton
10135 100 St. NW, Edmonton
Edmonton, Ontario T5J 0N7

Legal Obligations and Liabilities of the OHSE Professional

Course Description

This updated two-day course is designed to develop an awareness and understanding of the obligations and potential liabilities that may be encountered by the OH&S professional when providing advice in the area of occupational health and safety. The focus is upon defining the types of obligations and potential liabilities and illustrating ways and means of reducing these risks.

Because every OHS professional can be at risk, this course provides invaluable information for every level of experience - from the novice to the seasoned professional, and from the “internal” employee advisor to the third-party independent consultant.

The Obligations and Liabilities course provided me with a new way to look at how I conduct my work in relation to my own company's liabilities.O&L Candidate

Course participants will be able to:

  • Learn your obligations or duties to the client, the workers and the public
  • Learn what standard of care and skill is expected of an OHS practitioner
  • Understand with what type of legislation you should be familiar
  • Assess and handle conflict of interest
  • Consider ramifications when preparing a report to management
  • Understand what is a report disclaimer and when you might need one
  • Discuss the major ethical issues faced by the OH&S profession
  • Discuss (in-depth) the liabilities faced, based on contracts and legislation
  • Understand the role of professional liability insurance
  • Understand the application of privilege and disclosure to the OH&S consultant
  • Learn what are the important elements of an OH&S contract

Course Examinations 

The course exam is provided to participants by email within five business days of course completion. Participants have 4 weeks from the release date to complete the exam, along with a Statement of Independent Completion. This statement shows that the participant has read and understood the exam instructions, and is submitting an independently completed exam, with any and all collaboration and outside resources are acknowledged therein. The exam deadline is final. Only documented emergencies will be considered by the CSSE as extenuating circumstances for any written request for extension. Please note that delays in opening the exam after delivery, new or added work requirements, and holidays/vacations are not considered extenuating circumstances.

Successful completion of CHSC courses requires completion of a CHSC Exam with a minimum 75% standard. Exams require several hours of additional time commitment beyond in-class time for the student to demonstrate mastery of the course expectations. This exam follows a short answer format.

Course Credits

  • CSSE has awarded this course 16 CHSC Maintenance Points.